The Serpent's Den

Demonic Offerings

Demonic Cuisine

Void Slop - A bowl of stew made from one-part Krosnis Kiel, two parts clefthoof bits, and fresh blood crystals conjured with hemomancy. (14 silver)

Fel-Cooked Jerky - A demonic special. This jerky uses clefthoof bi-product that’s been put through a meat grinder and sauteed in artificial blood then baked with fel-fire. Not meant for mortal consumption. (15 silver)

Candied Fel Bacon - Strips of bacon that have been tainted with fell, and cooked on the griddle with brown sugar until they’re candied. (10 silver)

Demonic Refreshments

Krosnis Kiel - Krosnis Kiel beckons with its dark allure, a concoction brewed in the shadows, infused with essence drawn from the depths of the netherworld. Its intoxicating aroma whispers promises of power and potency, enticing even the most discerning demonic palates. (8 silver)

Felfire Brew - Born from the flames of the nether, ignites the senses with its infernal essence, promising an exhilarating journey into the heart of darkness. A potent elixir coveted by demons, its mysterious blend leaves a lingering trail of smoky whispers and forbidden allure. (8 silver)